Client Satisfaction is our Goal! NO HIDDEN FEES!


Serving Clients in All 50 States and Worldwide! Have a Timeshare Mortgage? No Problem!

Welcome to Timeshare

We are The Best Timeshare Cancellation Company. We Can Help Cancel Your Timeshare Legally.

Are you looking for options on how to get rid of a timeshare? We’ve got you covered! Many owners always state they never knew what they were signing, or their salesperson misled them. If you signed your timeshare contract under the impression this will be an investment or other various misrepresentations, you have legal options to exit your timeshare.

Get Rid of Your Timeshare Quickly & Easily!

Get a Free Consultation

Our Affiliated Experienced & Knowledgeable Timeshare Exit Specialist will conduct a survey with you in order to prepare a file for the Analyst. The Analyst will then review your file and contact you providing options to resolve your timeshare contract.


Start Your Timeshare Exit Process

Our Specialist will send you a service agreement that will allow our team of experts to begin the process of resolving your timeshare contract. When all documentation has been received your Case Representative will initiate an internal review to outline the merits of your case. Once the internal review is complete your case will be sent to your attorney.

FINALLY -- Become Timeshare Free!

Once you are formally Released of all your Timeshare Obligations, we will provide you with a letter that relieves you of all further liability regarding the timeshare contract(s).

Best Service Guarantees

With So Many Wrong Ways of Getting Out of a Timeshare… What’s the Right Way? Work with a company that:
-Follows the law
-Is experienced at resolving this issue
-Does not make promises that it cannot fulfill
-Can support its claims of customer satisfaction with testimonials
-Offers Free Consultations
-Puts a 100% Guarantee In Writing
-Is Bonded & Insured
-Is a Member of the Chamber Of Commerce
-Is A Rated at the BBB
-Has a 99.9% Success Rate
-Conducts business from an actual brick-and-mortar location in the U.S.

Our Proccess

The comprehensive and secure process, used by our affiliated timeshare transfer companies, timeshare liquidation companies and timeshare cancellation law firms, has earned us a proven record in successfully getting timeshare owners out of their contractual and financial obligations.

Timeshares can be a bad financial move. Some people call them a ripoff. But it’s super easy to get sucked in by the sales pitch.

You go and listen to the sales pitch. The lure is real. Salespeople are well-trained at making you envision timeshare life.

You fell for it. Now you own a timeshare.But you want to get out. You realize it wasn’t the best move for you.

Getting rid of a timeshare can be stressful and majority of the timeshare companies do not offer an exit program. Whatever your situation, the professionals hired by We Cancel Timeshares have the know-how to guide you through the seemingly daunting task of getting out of your timeshare once and for all. The only thing you need to decide is which timeshare cancellation option will fit you the best. We provide a 100% money-back guarantee or a no up-front fee escrow option, so you stay protected from scams.

At We Cancel Timeshares we refer you to experts with approximately 100 years of combined experience in national timeshare industry law, contract law, bankruptcy law, tax law and general consumer protection law. Imagine what it would be like with no more fees and headaches of the Timeshare that no longer serves you.

Call us today or fill out our Contact Form below to schedule a consultation. Let our knowledgeable experts empower you to stand up for your rights!

We have a proven process that has yields the cancellation of thousands of Timeshare owners’ contracts. Getting rid of a Timeshare is not a simple task. We Cancel Timeshares offers one of the best ways to dump your Timeshare. With our affiliates’ knowledgeable assistance, you will be guided through the process of getting rid of your Timeshare and all associated mortgage, maintenance and assessment fees. We pride ourselves as being industry leaders in the timeshare exit plan and timeshare resolution. Our process is constitutional, simple and efficient in helping people like you exit timeshare contracts.

STEP 1 Starter Package to Client
The first step of our process is to build a strong case file for you. We need to thoroughly document the misleading and high-pressure sales tactics used by the timeshare company.

STEP 2 Timeshare Document Search
After we gather the required information, a Specialist will schedule a consultation with a Senior Analyst to review your case.

STEP 3 Timeshare Client Consultation
After reviewing your file, our Senior Analyst will determine if we can take your case and what your choices are. During the consultation, we will be able to explain what those choices are and what the value to cancel the contract would be.

STEP 4 Timeshare Release Service Contract
Once we obtain approval to take on your case, your case manager will send you a service contract. You will have enough time to make your decision. High-pressure is not how we do things.

STEP 5 Timeshare Release Specialists Action
Our team of experts will start working diligently to cancel your contract. Results are typically achieved in 6-12 months, with some distant cases leading up to 18 months.

STEP 6 Timeshare Resort Acceptance
Resort receives the demand letter for your Timeshare Resort Contract Cancellation. We will present you with documentation from your attorney relieving you of any future obligations of the timeshare contract. That covers the mortgage, assessments, and maintenance fees.

STEP 7 Timeshare Release Client Notification
Enjoy life timeshare free!

By using We Cancel Timeshares, you will be able to enjoy the services we provide through our many contracted attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and a wide variety of resort industry professionals.

Often when timeshare owners are sold their timeshare, the sales staff will make misleading statements or false promises, and in several cases leave out important disclosures that you should have been informed. When this occurs, consumer protection laws are broken, giving you areas for a timeshare mortgage cancellation.

Timeshare owners commonly have the right to cancel the timeshare contract within a provided time depending on their state law. State laws give a minimum number of days for the timeshare mortgage cancellation period. Also, several timeshare contracts may provide for longer timeshare cancellation periods.

Contact one of our experts today to receive your free consultation. You’ve got nothing to lose! Besides those hideous timeshare fees

We are consumer advocates. We support and arrange the release of your timeshare contract obligation. Simply put, we will help you securely, legislatively and ethically exit your timeshare contract forever. We do not purchase, sell, or lease your timeshare. Unfortunately, the timeshare exit industry is a completely deregulated marketplace, which makes it difficult for consumers to seek a way out. Several exit opportunities are not consumer-facing, which means they are not accessible to the public and/or cost-prohibitive. We assemble a professional team from our private network of partners who will negotiate or transfer ownership to get you out of your timeshare.

Some timeshare cases are more complex than others and each can carry unique challenges. We have qualified timeshare exit professionals that will ask several specific questions to determine precisely what needs to be done to terminate your timeshare. We will also distinguish how long it will take, and the best choices that will help with the exit. We will always identify the most cost-effective path for you.

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Does your timeshare have an existing mortgage?

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